Instruction for authors

  1. Basic provisions
  2. List of documents to be submitted to the editorial office
  3. Requirements for the content of the article, references, abstract and keywords
  4. Requirements for articles
  5. Requirements for information block
  6. The cost of publication

Appendix 1 Consent for collecting and processing of personal data (download)

Appendix 2 Information block (download)

Appendix 3 Example of information about the authors (download)

Archive with requirements and applications (download)

1. Basic provisions

The scientific journal «Computer Modeling: Analysis, Control, Optimization» accepts original research papers, as well as review papers, dealing with theoretical and applied questions of computer modeling and applied problems related to the use of methods of computer modeling.

The editorial board accepts manuscripts that were not published in full or in part (in any language, in printed or electronic form) and which were not sent for possible publication to other editions in one of the languages – Ukrainian, English, Russian.

The volume of original research paper should be at least 5 pages of text, including tables, figures and references (A4 page format, designed in accordance with the rules below in the Microsoft Word editor). The volume of review papers is up to 25 pages.

To publish a review paper, authors should have sufficient experience, scientific publications in the relevant field of scientific knowledge and, usually, a doctorate degree. Review papers are usually submitted on the basis of a preliminary agreement with the editorial board of the journal.

All materials that are received by the editorial office and processed in accordance with the requirements of the journal are subject to mandatory preliminary examination. The editorial board reserves the right not to publish papers that do not correspond to the subject matter of the journal, do not contain new experimental and theoretical results, as well as papers containing plagiarism, regardless of the stage of their processing.

The editors reserve the right to amend texts of the articles to improve quality of their presentation in the journal.

Articles that do not comply with the above rules can be returned to the authors for revision, correction, and in exceptional cases rejected. 

2. List of documents to be submitted to the editorial office

Authors should submit the following documents (in hard copy) to the editorial board:

manuscript of the article signed by all authors;

consent to the collection and processing of personal data. An example is given in Appendix 1.

These documents are sent by mail (to the address: «Computer Modeling: Analysis, Control, Optimization», Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, prospect Gagarina, 8, Dnepr, 49005, Ukraine) or given personally to Dr. Oksana Anatolyevna Liashenko, the executive secretary.

Simultaneously with the documents, the authors should send by email ( or an electronic version of the materials containing the following files:

the text of the article – a file named by last name of the first author LastName.doc;

each illustration in a separate file (* .wmf, * .bmp, * .tif; filenames Figure1, Figure2);

– scan copy CONSENT for collecting and processing of personal data.

The content of electronic files and the corresponding printed documents must be identical!

3. Requirements for the content of the article,
references, abstract and keywords

Structure of the article must be the following:

  1. UDC index.
  1. Initials and surnames of authors.
  1. Title of the article (abbreviations are not allowed in the title).
  1. Full name of organization(s) where the work was done, indicating the city and country. If there are several organizations, then «binding» of each author to the organization is indicated by putting upper indices a, b, c after the name of the author and before the name of corresponding organization.
  1. Abstract of the article (not less than 1800 symbols) and keywords (5-10) in the language of the original article.
  1. The main text of the article, in which it is necessary to separate the following sections:

statement of the problem in general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;

an analysis of the latest researches and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem, and to which the author refers; identification of previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;

formulation of the objectives of the article (statement of the problem);

an outline of the main research material with full justification of the obtained scientific results;

conclusions and prospects for further development in this direction.

  1. Gratitude for the help in work and financial support (if necessary).
  1. References, which should include at least 5 sources (for original research papers – no more than 15 sources, for review papers – without restrictions). It is recommended to include references to books, articles from periodicals and patents.

References to conference materials, non-recurrent publications (laws, regulations, etc.), electronic resources may only be used in exceptional cases. It is forbidden to refer to unpublished works.

Normally, not less than 2/3 of the total number of sources should have a publication date not earlier than 2005. References to the authors’ works should not exceed 15% of the total number of references.

In the text of the article references are numbered in the same order as they are mentioned. Numbers of references are placed in square brackets.

  1. Information block in English. An example of the design of the information block is given in Appendix 2.
  1. Information about authors. An example is given in Appendix 3.
  1. Signatures of all authors (in paper version).

The abstract should be informative (without general words and statements) and should briefly reproduce the structure of the article, reflect the relevance of the work, its goals and objectives, experimental and theoretical methods used, the main results of the research and conclusions (in explicit or implicit form). It is impossible to limit the abstract to the statement of the fact of carrying out certain research («The work examines the influence of X on Y»), it should be specified which specifically new dependencies, data, etc. are obtained (formulate their essence in general form). It is important to remember that the abstract can (and will) be published separately, in isolation from the main text, and therefore should perform the function of an independent source of information!

Information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract. Abbreviation and notation, except for commonly used ones, are used in the abstract only in exceptional cases (providing their decoding at the first mention). It is forbidden to provide any references in the abstract!

When selecting keywords, you should avoid common expressions. Do not use complex grammatical constructions, as well as abbreviations. 

4. Requirements for articles

Text of the article should be prepared in the text editor Word (97-2003) (with the extension * .doc).

Font Times New Roman, 12 pt; line spacing – 1.0; without any indentation.

Margins – 2 cm on each side, page format – A4.

There should be no blank lines in the text, it is not allowed to use tab or more than one space between words.

Pages should be numbered from the first to the last (page number should be is in the right bottom conner).

Figures should be numbered in the sequence that corresponds to their mention in the text. Captions (in the format «Fig. 1. Dependence …») should be written in the main text of the article and inserted in the text, not the image file.

It is not allowed to duplicate data and results described in the text and in the figures and tables.

Tables should be created in the text editor Word and located directly in the text. Each table should have a number (without № sign) and a name; each table should be referenced in the text (Table. 1). The values mentioned in names of columns and rows should be accompanied by the appropriate units of measurement (in abbreviated form: cm, J/mol).

Parameters for tables:

  • The width of the table may be, cm: 8; 14.5; 17; 25;
  • Font – Times New Roman, font size – 10 pt;
  • Paragraph:
    • alignment – centered for headers and numbers in columns of a table;
    • alignment – left for text in the main part of a table;
  • line spacing – single;
  • all indents and spacing – 0 cm.

Formulas, terms, units

Elementary (one-line) formulas and symbpols should be typed as main text. They can be created using different symbol format attributes (upper and lower indices), and also using symbol table (Insert / Symbol).

Multi-line formulas should be inserted directly into the text using Microsoft Equation editor with appropriate settings:

  • menu «Style» «Define…»: format characters are not allowed to use bold and italic font;
  • menu «Size» «Define…»: normal – 10 pt; large index – 8 pt; small index – 6 pt; large symbol – 12 pt; small symbol – 10 pt;
  • menu «Format» → «Interval …»: distance to the sign – 60%; Clearance in the radical –5 pt.

Numbers of formulas are given in Arabic numbers in round brackets after two spaces right after the formula, for example: «;  (1)».

Physical, chemical, technical and mathematical terms, units and symbols used in the article should be common. Abbreviations for units should be given in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).

In the text, tables and figures integer part of the decimal numbers is separated by a comma if the article is written in Ukrainian or Russian, or by a dot in English-language articles. 

5. Requirements for information block

Information block in English contains information on the article title, authors, name of organization (if there are multiple organizations, «binding» of each author to the organization should be indicated), city and country, abstract, keywords and full bibliography (all Ukrainian and Russian sources should be transliterated) in accordance with international standards for reference.

Examples of references to different types of publications are given below.

Article from journal (all authors are listed, titles of magazines are given completely unabridged, DOI may be specified after numbers of pages):

Author1 A.A., Author2 B.B., Author3 C.C., Author4 D.D. Title of the paper. Title of the Journal, Year, vol. X, no. XX, pp. XXX-XXX.

– Article from electronic source:

Author1 A.A., Author2 B.B., Author3 C.C., Author4 D.D. Title of the paper. Title of the Journal, Year, vol. XX, no. XX. Available at:


Author1 A.A., Author2 B.B., Author3 C.C., Author4 D.D., Book or Chapter Title. Publishing company name, Publishing Place, Year. XXX p.


Author1 A.A., Author2 B.B., Author3 C.C., Author4 D.D., Patent Title. Country and number of the patent, Publishing Year.

Conference matherials:

Author1 A.A., Author2 B.B., Author3 C.C., Author4 D.D., Paper Title. Conference Title. Country, City, Year, pp. XX.

Non-Latin sources should be transliterated. Transliteration should be performed according to the ISO Standard (ISO 9:1995). Citations of non-English periodicals should also include the corresponding English translation (in square brackets).

If the language of original source is not English, its original language should be specified in the parenthesis in the end of its description ((in Ukrainian) or (in Russian)).

An example of information block is given in Appendix 2.

6. The cost of publication

This journal does not charge submission charges.

The cost of publication of an article recommended for publication in the journal «Computer Modeling: Analysis, Control, Optimization» is 35 UAH per paper. The cost of DOI – an equivalent of USD per article – is added to the cost of the publication.

The requisites for payment are sent to the authors after confirmation that the article has been accepted for publication.

The organizational and financial support of the functioning of the Journal is provided by State Higher Educational Institution «Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology.

Appendix 1 (download)


for collecting and processing of personal data

I (we), ______________________________________________________(full names of all authors), author(s) of the article _________________________________________________(title of the article), which was sent for consideration to the editorial board of the journal «Computer Modeling: Analysis, Control, Optimization», by signing this text give my (our) consent to the editorial board of the journal «Computer Modeling: Analysis, Control, Optimization» for collecting and processing information about me (us) with restricted access in order to publish our article in the mentioned journal to the extent necessary to achieve the goal specified above.

Date      «___»             _____________         20___

Author                         ________________________________       (Full name)


Author                         ________________________________       (Full name)


(signatures of all authors are required) 

Appendix 2 (download)

Information block

Decomposition method for solving systems of differential equations for the problems of modelling corrosion deformation processes

Zelentsov D.G., Liashenko O.A.

Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

The article offers and justifies a method for solving systems of differential equations (SDE) that simulate time changes of stress and strain state due to the influence of corrosive environment (the process of corrosion deformation). The task of modelling is the determination of the construction durability that is the time of its flawless operation. The finite element model of the object under study determines dimension of SDE modelling the process of corrosion deformation. The right-hand sides of the differential equations contain functions of mechanical stresses. The finite element method is used for calculating stresses. The proposed decomposition method is based on the transformation of the initial differential equations by introducing in them functions describing the influence of the remaining equations and the subsequent solution of one of these equations. Based on the analysis of the factors influencing the stress change in the area of the given finite element, we propose to introduce into the corresponding differential equation a function approximating the change of internal forces over time. In this case, the discrepancy between the results of the initial SDE solution and an individual equation is determined only by the error in approximating the dependence of the internal force on time. The article shows that this allows a multi-rate reduction of computational costs. In addition, for a numerical solution of SDE, we propose to use a modified algorithm of the Euler method with a variable integration step by argument. The result of the solution is determination of corrosive construction durability, i.e. operating time before exhaustion of bearing capacity. To illustrate the proposed method, we solved the problem of calculating the durability of a flat-plate subjected to corrosive wear. The article provides the results of numerical experiments confirming the accuracy of the proposed numerical solution with minimal computational costs. The decomposition method for solving SDE modelling the process of corrosion deformation of plane-stressed plates can be generalized to other classes of constructions.

Keywords: decomposition method, corrosive environment, process of corrosion deformation, system of differential equations, plane-stress corroding plates.


  1. Petrov V.V., Ovchinnikov I.G., Shikhov Yu.M. Raschet elementov konstruktsiy, vzaimodeystvuyushchikh s agressivnoy sredoy [Calculation of structural elements interacting with aggressive environment]. Saratov, Sarat. un-t Publ., 1987. 288 p. (in Russian).
  2. Karpunin V.G., KleschYov S.I., Kornishin M.S. K raschetu plastin i obolochek s uchetom obshchey korrozii [The calculation of plates and shells taking general corrosion into account]. Trudy X Vsesoyuznoy konferentsii po teorii obolochek i plastin [Proceedings of the 10th All-Union Conference on the theory of obokolok and plates], Tbilisi: Metsniereba publ., 1975, vol. 1, pp.166-174. (in Russian).
  3. Zelentsov D.G., Liashenko O.A., Naumenko N.Yu. Informatsionnoe obespechenie raschetov korrodiruyushchikh ob’ektov. Matematicheskie modeli i kontseptsiya proektirovaniya system [Information provision for calculations of corrosive objects. Mathematical models and concept of systems design]. Dnepropetrovsk: Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Publ., 2012, 264 p. (in Russian).
  4. Korotchenko A.T. O primenenii metoda dinamicheskogo programmirovaniya k optimal’nomu integrirovaniyu sistemy differentsial’nykh uravneniy [On the application of dynamic programming to the optimal integration of differential equations system]. Prikladnye problemy prochnosti i plastichnosti [Applied problems of strength and plasticity]. Vsesoyuzn. mezhvuz. sb., Gorkiy: GGU publ., 1976, no. 4., pp. 95-97. (in Russian).
  5. Korotkaya L.I. Ispolzovanie neyronnykh setey pri chislennom reshenii nekotorykh sistem differentsialnykh uravneniy [The use of neural networks in the numerical solution of some systems of differential equations]. Vostochno-evropeyskiy zhurnal peredovykh tekhnologiy [Eastern European Journal of Advanced Technology], 2011, no. 3/4 (51). pp.24-27. (in Russian).
  6. Denisyuk O.R. Opredelenie ratsionalnyih parametrov chislennogo resheniya sistem differentsialnyih uravneniy [Determination of rational numerical solution parameters for some classes of systems of differential equations]. Vestnik Hersonskogo natsionalnogo tehnicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Kherson National Technical University], 2016, no. 3 (58). pp.208-212. (in Russian).
  7. Alapati М. Discrete Optimization of Truss Structure Using Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology, 2014, vol. 3, issue 1, pp.105-111.
  8. Ashlock D. Evolutionary Computation for Modeling and Optimization. New York: Springer publ., 2006. 572 p.

Appendix 3 (download)

Example of information about the authors

  1. ZELENTSOV Dmytro Gegemonovitch – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Information Systems of Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (Dnipro, Ukraine).

ORCID ID: 0000-1111-2222-3333

Work phone (0562) 33-33-33, mobile phone (097) 777-77-77, e-mail:

Correspondence address: …

  1. (The according data should be given for all authors, postal address and e-mail may be given only for corresponding author).