Computer Modeling: Analysis, Control, Optimization is a peer reviewed Journal.
The manuscripts received by the Editorial Office are previously processed by the members of Editorial Board on a compliance of the provided materials to the aim and scientific direction of the Journal, as well as to the structure of the article and requirements for the article design, and also are checked for plagiarism. All submitted manuscripts will be initially screened by Editorial Board Members for their suitability and those that are deemed appropriate will be sent to one or two expert referees for evaluation.
The Journal uses the double-blind review procedure: the reviewers can not have any information about authors of the manuscript and the Editorial Office does not inform the authors concerning the reviewers.
Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review by the editor if:
- the article does not correspond to the scope and scientific direction of the Journal;
- the article design does not correspond to the established structure and requirements;
- the manuscript does not correspond adopted in the Journal the rules and regulations of the Publication Ethic and has received the negative results of the checking for plagiarism.
After reviewing the editors make a decision based on the reviewer’s advises, from among several possibilities:
- accept;
- accept after minor corrections;
- revise the manuscript;
- reject, but indicate to the authors that further work might justify a resubmission;
- reject outright, typically on grounds of specialist interest, lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance or major technical and/or interpretational problems.
The author(s) has responsibility for the content of the materials.